Isn't tribal fusion an advertising company
Derp. I Write.
Age 32, Male
Belgium, Europe
Joined on 3/22/06
Isn't tribal fusion an advertising company
Funny thing, that. That's how I got my alias, way back.
Nice that you noticed!
I liek
<3 <3 <3
Post more on the BBS ==> it's the secret to success, broblerone! :3
Thanks man. :3
Usually you get noticed for making decent posts not for just throwing shit in a topic and hoping it fits.
I suppose that's true. Thanks.
I don't know.
Dude, no way! Whenever I go on the BBS, you're the guy I notice first. :3
That's real sweet, man. <3
U gae.
I'll probably win that award.
Sorry man, taken for '11 and '12. This year, I'm also going for "The Unquotable 2013".
What is your sig
@Havegum Det er Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått!
Did you ever get that '11 award?
Cool to see you're still here and thrivin'; making 'em ranks!
I just now checked back now that the General forums are closed. What a shame. I grew up in this place. I don't think I ever got any awards, but the memories alone are worth it. Every day I come here and vote on every single submission that's still under judgement before and after work. And one day I will be rank 1.
Mmm I hope it's just temporarily closed after all. Maybe the userbase will mature; calm down and/or become more profitable; maybe it'll open up again in time! I hope. If it really is over for real though at least some of our posts are immortalized there now; it's hopefully archived for all time. All good memories.
Same. :) Same routine; same ambition! You've got some competition there.
I remember you used to be a big deal, way back when. One of those people I looked up to when I was still new.
Awwww. <3