Derp. I Write.

Glenn Tribal @Tribal

Age 32, Male


Belgium, Europe

Joined on 3/22/06

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The Sneaky Peek.

Posted by Tribal - August 11th, 2007

Always wanted a sneak peek on the mythical murder marvel? Here it is!

Chapter 14 is here for you all to read, in before posted in the actual thread OR even the website.

Chapter 14 - Inhumane Continuety

It's amazing that through the transparant pearly tears in my eyes wich i look through with strenght, as they slightly pinch the muscles in my eyes to blink every bit of the time; i can't see daisy's body moving at all. I think by now she should have fallen down on the ground, but surprisingly she is still standing there... Not moving the least. Thought waves about windstrenght and gravitational properties flash swiftly before my eyes... Until courage takes over the actions that i control, and take a first step up to Daisy. Her body took a slight, but noticable twinch... I shuffle closer up to her as quietly as i can, keeping the ideas of unproven theories, the barely moving body of Daisy, and the fact that i could get jumped in the neck by a fierce creature that appears to be some kind of a "Minotaur" fight in my head for a priority place. But the idea that i simply shouldn't be caring takes over a big part of my attention as i lay me right hand on the shoulder of my dear beloveth. I could merely take a short look in the terrified glimp of her eyes when i see that the flesh of her body starts to shake in instability and collapses...

For a second there i thought her bones would be broken, but as she was cut in half and still standing up surprisingly long after such a fierce, instantly killing attack that must have delivered unbearable pain and suffering in agony for as long as it lasted to poor fragile Daisy, she would have to have fallen on the ground in 2 pieces by now but she didn't. The instable patches of skin on her body severed themselves nearly instantly into tiny pieces of... sand?! It's undescribable how she sacked down on the ground and turned in a dusty pile of sand with a pair of jeans and a sweater and bra on top of it, as if it was one big human formed "sand creature" in the form of Daisy that was wearing the clothes... But wait... The button on her side of the wall that she was pushing is completely pressed in! How did she pull that off? I didn't even notice it. I couldn't handle it anymore, it was almost too much for me to bare... But i stood up, took it like a man, wiped off my tears and thrusted my elbow head on to the button on my side. It felt like a small crack inside my arm... Or was that the stone button getting pushed in finally? I don't know, but i don't think i should really care since the door was crackling.

I senced a glare from above me, i could feel that the "Minotaur" was watching me. So i hasted to turn my head, preparing my muscles and my entire body for what would ly ahead; through the door. As i turned my body, attempting to step onward, nearly throwing my attention away from the giant hideous creature, to the plot before me. It took the full turn of my head to notice the light overwhelming me, my sight being crowded... my once "eagle eyed vision" was harshly decreased... 300 feet, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, 1, ... It almost felt like i was blinded permanently... A weird feeling in my leg made me shiver and shake all over. ... "You senile old fool! Why didn't you let me..." "Ahh, he was stronger then we thought..." "Weakling, we'll just have to use so..." sounds... fading again... Aaargh! The light! Voices in my head!... The... The LIGHT! It's a mere muscle stretch-taking for me to open my eyes, as i appear in the same room, the same bed, next to the same tiny salon table, with the same psp on it, the same house... I look out the window, everything is exactly what it was like... I hate continuety!... This experience made me yell inside of myself, this will never cure itself... but will it ever end?

The Sneaky Peek.


Whoo! 1st comment and all because yuh commented mine!

How nice of you.

I have to say when I walked into your user page it didn't stink of urine like the last persons page i went into.I walked into.

Thanx, i guesse?

Wow, what the hell was that all about?

k thats good

The button! It does nothing! =(

has pretty good flow, Ikinda like it. I will have to check the earlier chapters ^^

Very nice. Now chapter 15. Faster, writing slave. FASTAR.

Moet ik dat allemaal gaan lezen ?

Unrelated, but if you took your story (from your official site) and turned it into a flash, people wouldn't be able to copy and paste it and steal it from you. They'd have to write it out word for word on a document. That usually deters people.

Thanx :) part 15 is here now!

fuck you